Make my Site More Contemporary

Making sites more contemporary in look and function is what we do!

So your Turbify or website looks a bit dated? How do you know when it's time to give your website a facelift?

On the one hand, if your site works well and generates the revenue you want it to generate, and your customers are happy with it, you might not want to change it. This is especially true if you have lots and lots of return customers; they know your site, know how to get around in it and how to find things they are looking for.

On the other hand, times change, customers' expectations change, new technologies emerge, new tastes dictate what a good looking, contemporary site should look like. So how do you know when it's time?

Well, for starters, if your web site is not mobile friendly (you can tell that by pulling up your site on your phone: if it looks like a minature version of itself basically just scaled down, your site is most likely not mobile-friendly), you should definitely give it a facelift. Google has been very up front with their mobile-first approach. Essentially if your site is not mobile-friendly you can kiss your ranking good bye. And that's "only" on Google; but if that's not enough, according to recent studies nearly 8 in 10 customers simply leave a site that doesn't work well on whatever device they are using.

Turbify Partner

Then there is your competition: look at their sites and compare it to yours. If they are more modern, more contemporary then chances are your visitors will notice that and probably wonder over to your competition. While comparing two sites it is often fairly obvious which one is the more up to date and which is behind the times, signs to look for are how well the site responds to various screen sizes and devices, how fast it loads (you can check on Google Page Speed Insights), and what features they use, such as mega menus, product filtering, multiple product images with zooms, etc.

Finally, if you just don't want to trail the pack but lead it - or at least be on par with it - depending on whose statistics you read, on average a web site should be given a full facelift every 3 to 5 years. So, if it's been more than that for your site, then yes, it's time to bite the bullet and give that facelift a go.

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What Are My Options?

If you operate a Yahoo! Turbify store:

If your site is on some other platform such as Wordpress, etc., contact us and let us plot the best path for getting your site be as up to date as possible.

And of course, if you have any questions, we are here to help. Call us at 707-237-7380 or 253-777-0192, or email us at

Creative Ideas That Perform.

With over 2000 websites served since our inception, web design is in our company DNA. All of our websites are custom designed to not only reach targeted users, but convert those users into engaging customers. Our design team specializes in these core areas: • Ecommerce Website Design
Responsive Website Design
Adaptive Mobile Design
• User Experience Design
• Information Architecture Consulting
• Design Consulting
Logo Design
Creative Ideas Sample

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