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Questions and Answers for Turbify

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As an online store owner, you no doubt receive questions from potential customers about one product or another. When you get such questions, you probably respond by emailing the customer back. Don't let these questions go to waste. With our add-on, after answering the question, you can also add it back to the relevant product page. This has at least two benefits: it helps other customers who may have the same or a similar question, and it adds invaluable content to your product pages. By using your customers' or potential customers' own verbiage and terms, you can greatly enhance the SEO of your pages.

How It Works

On the product page, there will be a section for Questions and Answers along with a button to ask a question. When a visitor clicks the button, they are presented with a question form. After submitting the question, you receive it via email. You can then simply reply to the email to send your answer back to the customer. Next, you go to the relevant product page, which will show the new question (along with any previous questions and answers). The new question will have a text box for you to write your answer and post it back to the product page itself.

You can also edit any existing questions and answers right on the product page in the Store Editor or delete questions you no longer find relevant.

Questions & Answers about Questions and Answers for Turbify

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Customer Reviews

  Great feature!, January 26, 2009
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28 people found this review helpful

This is the perfect product for when a customer wants to ask a very specific question about a product when they are on the product page. Not only that, but you can then turn it into a feature for the next visitors so they can see what Questions have already been asked and answered!

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